Friday, August 28, 2020
Peter Drucker on Knowledge Workers, Management and Leadership Essay Example
Diminish Drucker on Knowledge Workers, Management and Leadership Essay On the off chance that youre understanding this, youre in all likelihood an information specialist of some sort. What's more, if youre an information laborer inside an association, heres a fundamental inquiry you have to pose: Am I being overseen, or am I being driven? What's more, if thusly youre answerable for the presentation of other information laborers, you have to ask yourself: Am I overseeing, or am I driving? Im incited to pose these inquiries by Peter Druckers Management Challenges of the 21st Century, one of the most keen and intriguing books Ive ever perused, and one I come back to routinely, almost 10 years after its distribution. The principal section in this terse volume, Managements New Paradigms, detonates six profoundly imperfect suspicions that Drucker saw basic the control and practice of contemporary administration. Presumption #3 is There is, or there must be, one right approach to oversee individuals, and Drucker utilizes this as the beginning stage for an investigation of the qualities of information laborers and why they should be driven and not only oversaw. A passage from pages 17-22 of the Harper Business soft cover version: In no other region are the essential customary suspicions [about management] held as immovably as in regard to individuals and their administration. Furthermore, in no other zone are they so absolutely at chances with the real world thus absolutely counterproductive On [the] principal supposition that there isor at any rate ought to beone and just one right approach to oversee individuals rest the various suspicions about individuals in associations and their administration. One of these presumptions is that the individuals who work for an association re subordinates [F]ewer and less individuals are subordinateseven in genuinely low-level occupations. Progressively they are information laborers. Furthermore, information laborers are not subordinates; they are partners. For, once past the student stage, information laborers must find out about their activity than their supervisor doesor else they are nothing but bad by any stretch of the imagination. Truth be told, that they find out about their activity than any other individual in the association is a piece of the meaning of information laborers We will compose a custom paper test on Peter Drucker on Knowledge Workers, Management and Leadership explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Peter Drucker on Knowledge Workers, Management and Leadership explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Peter Drucker on Knowledge Workers, Management and Leadership explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Undoubtedly, these partners are subordinates in that they rely upon the supervisor with regards to being employed or terminated, advanced, evaluated, etc. Be that as it may, in their own activity the unrivaled can perform just if these purported subordinates assume liability for instructing the person in question In turn, these subordinates rely upon the predominant for course. They rely upon the better than mention to them what the score is. Their relationship, as such, is unmistakably progressively like that between the director of an ensemble and the instrumentalist than it resembles the customary unrivaled/subordinate relationship
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Understand The Soft Drink Market Comprising Of The Students Studying
Question: Examine about the Understand The Soft Drink Market Comprising Of The Students Studying At The USC. Answer: Presentation The target of the given undertaking is to comprehend the soda showcase including the understudies learning at the USC. So as to encourage the equivalent , an overview was led in order to gather the information about the utilization request of different drinks alongside their separate refreshment inclinations and effect of cost on the equivalent. From the delegate populace information gathered through the review, an example of 80 understudies was gotten from the first study results using irregular inspecting. This was executed through the utilization of irregular testing. From the example information got, different inferential and illustrative insights methods have been applied so as to give answers to the different inquiry. These have been featured in the accompanying segment while the applicable calculations are appeared in the joined exceed expectations sheer. Information Analysis In light of the example information and the comparing calculations acted in exceed expectations, the accompanying investigation might be completed. Out of the given 80 understudies which structure the example, 72 are residential understudies while the staying 8 are worldwide understudies. This suggests the extent of residential understudies in the example is 90% while that of global understudies is 10% as it were. It is seen from the example information that as the cost of the drink will in general increment, the comparing utilization will in general psychologist. This infers there is a reverse connection between the cost and refreshment amount devoured by the understudies. The accompanying disperse plot additionally features the equivalent. This is in accordance with the law of interest and bodes well considering the way that these are a bit much things and can be shortened particularly when the value rises. Additionally, the connection is by all accounts very direct as is obvious from the above plot. In view of the example information, it is clear that the other class is the most well known thinking about that 33 out of 80 understudies have picked equivalent to their most mainstream drink. The least well known refreshment among the understudies dependent on the given example is by all accounts caffeinated drinks thinking about that it has been casted a ballot as the least mainstream by 44 understudies out of the given 80 understudies. The synopsis of inclinations got from test is featured beneath. So as to check the dependability of the understudies to their favored drink, it is basic to investigate the extent of understudies who will in general do a switch when limits are offered to them for the subsequent inclination. It is evident from the example information that when 25% markdown is offered on the second favored beverage, at that point just 21.25% of the example keeps an eye on a make a move. In any case, when the markdown is expanded to 40%, at that point this worth will in general increment to 55%. In this way, it is obvious that the understudies will in general be not exceptionally faithful to the favored refreshment and whenever given sensibly high rebate (40%) dominant part of them are eager to make a move. In view of the given example information, it is reasonable for presume that it appears that the household understudies are progressively touchy to cost in correlation with global understudies. The disperse plot at the refreshment cost amount relationship for the worldwide understudies is as featured beneath. It is clear that the above dissipate plot shows a backwards relationship yet the connection coefficient is by all accounts lower. The consolidated scatterplot will in general think about an increasingly straight and uniform pattern in this manner featuring that the local understudies will in general have a progressively solid and direct relationship with respect to cost and drink amount. The particular synopsis table of the inclinations of the nearby understudies is laid out underneath. It is clear from the above table that that the most well known drink among the household understudies will in general be other with 31 out of 72 understudies buying in to a similar inclination. Concerning the least mainstream drink, it is caffeinated drinks for the household understudies with understanding of 39 understudies out of 72 local understudies. The synopsis table of the inclinations of the global understudies is sketched out beneath. In contrast to household understudies, the most famous beverage for worldwide understudies is tea/espresso with 4 out of 8 understudies buying in to a similar inclination. With respect to the least well known beverage, the worldwide understudies share a similar view as the residential understudies as the least favored drink. Utilizing the given example, the gauge has been made for the populace. As indicated by the equivalent, there is a 95% likelihood that the extent of understudies leaning toward soda pops would lie somewhere in the range of 7.18% and 22.82%. Synopsis In view of the above information examination, different ends can be drawn. The college has a little extent of worldwide understudies with a high lion's share of understudies being local. Further, regarding drink utilization, a reverse connection will in general exist with cost. Additionally, this connection will in general be less articulated for universal understudies when contrasted with household understudies. Furthermore, concerning inclinations of refreshment, on a consolidated premise, the others classification is the most mainstream with caffeinated drinks being the least famous. Nonetheless, there are contrasts seen between the inclination of residential and universal understudies as global understudies will in general have their most well known beverage as tea/espresso. Additionally, the understudies by and large will in general be not extremely steadfast as at 40% markdown, over half understudies will in general change from the most favored drink. Additionally, the ubiquity of sodas among the understudies is by all accounts low as is clear from the populace gauge drawn from the given example.
Friday, August 21, 2020
OUR BLOOD essays
OUR BLOOD papers Ox-like Spongiform Encephalopathy in our Blood Supply The prosperity of the blood gracefully has consistently been an indispensable part of human presence. It is normal information that the current blood flexibly is inadequate to the expanding utilization of blood and blood items. Unexpectedly, as the subject of blood gift emerges in the public arena, fears and questions with regards to how sterile and fortifying the blood of blood benefactors regularly surface. For example, there is a lot of analysis over permitting remote explorers to Great Britain the chance to give their blood. This analysis originates from the conviction that the Great Britain endemic of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE or Frantic Cow Disease) can be physiologically identified with the deadly Creutzfeldt-Jakob illness in people. In spite of the fact that there is not really any logical proof that bolsters this charge, the United States Department of Agriculture and the FDA have presented exacting limitations concerning the importation of British steers items a nd the blood gift of British voyagers. Pundits, legislators, and the overall population frequently use the guess of ill-conceived realities and legends to shape their conclusions concerning BSE. This is fine and extraordinary, yet I accept a substantial supposition regarding the matter must be sponsored by critical realities involving the clinical the study of disease transmission and history of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, its connection to other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE), conceivable transmission to the human species, the reasons for Creutzfeldt-Jakob illness, and any connections among BSE and Creutzfeldt-Jakob malady. My assessment, in light of the realities, is the thing that I offer to you. Ox-like Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Ox-like spongiform encephalopathy is a deadly mind sickness of dairy cattle. BSE is generally normal in dairy cows, however not uncommon in meat steers either. Cows influenced by BSE experience a dynamic degeneration of the sensory system. Tainted creatures may show changes in conduct, for example, anxious... <!
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay Topics For Your School - Which Ones Are Most Likely to Suit You?
Essay Topics For Your School - Which Ones Are Most Likely to Suit You?When you are preparing for your University of Maryland essay, you have many UMD essay topics to choose from. They are designed to help you with both academic and personal needs. And they can be done in an unusual manner. You can set a prompt to help you decide what you would like to write about.But you will also need to choose UMD essay topics that will offer a solution to the questions you have to answer. As an example, if you want to include a history lesson or how the Bible shaped society, you will need to think about the question of why. That will require a real plan to explain your own views and interpretation of the subject matter.There are a number of themes that UMD essay topics can be used for. Among them are life events such as a death, birth, adoption, a job loss, etc. Depending on the subject, you may want to consider what brought it about and how you will address it in your essay. Maybe you will talk a bout your love life, your marriage's or your family's relationship.Themes that relate to human interaction are very popular UMD essay topics. You can use themes such as love, friendship, relationships, jealousy, divorce, faith, etc.Personal essay topics can be on any topic you may choose. They can relate to your life as a whole or just to one aspect of it. For example, if you are a manager, you may want to include the theme of management or human resources. If you are a parent, you may wish to include the theme of raising children.The first step is to identify the subject matter that is the most difficult choice to make. Then take that to your school counselor to help you with the process. But make sure you set up an appropriate prompt to help you decide.There are many UMD essay topics to choose from. You just need to choose the ones that suit your personality and your own experiences.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
William Golding s Lord Of The Flies - 1869 Words
Essay Outline – Unit 11 Introductory paragraph: Topic Sentence (includes the book title and author) The novel Lord of the flies by William Golding is a type of literature that revolves around an anti-war theme. Main Points that will be discussed in the essay presented in order of weakest to strongest: 1. Lord of the flies was written during WWII and one of the manifestations is the dead man in the parachute presumably a victim of a bombed plane. 2. Faction among the group which is similar to division in society when people fail to listen and understand each other but keep on pushing their own interests and beliefs. 3. War-like attitude from Jack and his boys as an innate hunger for power and greed which is usually the root cause of war against countries. State the thesis: William Golding has created an anti-war piece of literature to demonstrate how greed, selfishness, hunger for power, corruption in all forms can cause faction among society, civil unrest and eventually lead to war within a nation and in the world. Body paragraph 1 (Strong argument): Topic Sentence: This novel was written during WWII and one can deduce that the war is the reason why the boys were on the plane and it is the cause of death of the man on the parachute. Fact 1- Example 1 - It was concluded that the setting of the novel took place during the second world war because of Piggy’s statement when he first met Ralph â€Å"We was attacked!†â€Å"When we was coming down, IShow MoreRelatedWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1263 Words  | 6 PagesResearch Paper: Lord of the Flies William Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, symbolically, how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies752 Words  | 4 Pagespossible, so a five year old who teases others to Adolf Hitler would be classified as perpetrators of evil. Lord of the Flies is a fictional story about a group of British boys who get stranded on island. The author of the novel Lord of the Flies, William Golding, showcases Zimbardo’s ideas in his story. Zimbardo did not form his theory Through the character development of Jack and Roger, Golding illustrates the intensity of evil when one is impacted by situational forces. Before Ralph and Piggy unifiesRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1282 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Golding, the author of Lord of The Flies, included adults for only a brief time throughout the novel, playing only a minor role at the end. The absence of adults exemplifies how children require the structure and guidance that only parents can provide, this can be seen how nations newly freed from the British Empire’s control would be better off under English colonial power to survive and maintain order before deteriorating into anarchy. The adults of the novel can be seen as the motherRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1389 Words  | 6 PagesA response to Lord Of The Flies Imagine an airplane crash. The heat of flames scorch passengers’ backs in addition to the wind burning their faces. Lucky, this crash was over water and near an island so most passengers survive, with an exception of the airplane staff and the pilot. Even though alive, many are in fits of fear and panic, and others are in shock. After hurried deliberation, a lone member of the group is elected leader in hopes that they will calm the panic, and make the hard, but necessaryRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1315 Words  | 6 PagesWilliam Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies was set somewhere on the timeline of World War Two, a war between the Axis and the Allies lasting from 1939 until 1945. Although WWII was fought between many countries in the Pacific and Europe, the main contender was Germany, led by Adolf Hitler. Hitler and his followers, the Nazis, changed the lives of everyone when they attempted to strengthen Germany and brought out all the evil and ugli ness in the world. After WWII, nothing would be able to change theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies886 Words  | 4 Pageshow to live their lives not knowing what s right or wrong. Everyone has a different opinion towards different things. Some say gun laws should be banned while some say they want a gun in their house. In Lord of the Flies by William Golding there are clear aspects of leadership shown within the characterization between Jack and Ralph. I m chief, said Ralph, because you chose me. And we were going to keep the fire going. Now you run after food- (Golding 150). There is evident conflict between theRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1672 Words  | 7 Pages The Different Social Cognition of the Similar Stories  Synthesis essay of Lord of the Flies Final Project With the development of British culture, the format of Desert Island Literature has an inevitable connection with the geographical and culture heritage of the development of British history. Generally speaking, the setting of such literature is basically around an isolated island which is far from human society. The characters usually follow a primary lifestyle so that illustrate the courageRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1745 Words  | 7 Pages1954 novel, Lord of the Flies by Nobel Prize-winner William Golding is a dystopian allegory indicative of vast aspects of the human condition. Set in the midst of a nuclear war, the text details a group of marooned British school boys as they regress to a primitive state. Free from the rules and structures of civilisation and society, the boys split into factions - some attempting to maintain order and achieve common goals; others seeking anarchy and violence. The novel is based on Golding’s experienceRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1776 Words  | 8 PagesMaybe the beast is us (Golding 85), in the novel, Lord of the Flies, by author William Golding, Golding uses the entire book as social commentary. The social aspect he focuses on is man’s ability to be evil and destructive. William Golding uses three specific literary devices to convey this idea; characterization, diction and symbolism. Lord of the Flies explains man s capacity for evil which is revealed in his inherent human nature, which he cannot control or ignore. The hidden evil withinRead MoreWilliam Golding s Lord Of The Flies1119 Words  | 5 PagesWhat is human nature? How does William Golding use it in such a simple story of English boys to precisely illustrate how truly destructive humans can be? Golding was in World War Two, he saw how destructive humans can be first hand, and how ‘normal’ people can turn into savages. In the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding, Golding uses the theme of human nature to show how easily society can fall, and how self-destructive human nature is towards itself. Throughout the story there are recurring
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cultural Taboos The Japanese Culture - 996 Words
Cultural Taboos: The Japanese Culture. As human beings, we all have biases, it is a part of who we are. As a student going into human services it is my job to learn about some of the diverse cultures I will be encountering to hone my skills as a human service professional. In this paper I will be discussing some of the various aspects of the Japanese culture that will better help me understand my potential future clients, provide them with the best service possible, and do it all with the utmost respect. Japanese immigration happened largely in 1868 when the Japanese industrialized causing many to lose their jobs. With unemployment so high many fled to other countries such as America looking for employment opportunities. The Chinese†¦show more content†¦According to Brown Ju John Brown (pg 54) the Japanese are not a touch-oriented society or people. When they greet each other, they do not hug or have bodily embraces. In Japan when greeting someone it is common to bow. If the person you are greeting is of a higher social status than you are, you are supposed to bow deeper than the other person and for a longer amount of time. While not touch-oriented they will sometimes greet others with a handshake while still bowing. The bow is representative of saying hello, goodbye and is a way of showing respect. Whether my client is of Japanese orientation or another I would not attempt to hug my client. I would greet my client by saying hello and if they held out their hand for a hand shake I would shake their hand. I would also ask my client what they would be comfortable with on our first meeting. To help set up and understanding and comfort level for my client. (Ju Brown John Brown 2006, pg 54) Silence is used in the Japanese culture as a form of communication. As a human service professional, I might say something that my client my not agree with. Instead of verbally expressing their disagreement, the client might show their disagreement by frowning or even looking away. Staring at someone for a long time is not an acceptable behavior in the Japanese culture. Instead of holding constant eye contact with the client, I might implement a series of small glances to insure my client knows that I amShow MoreRelatedEssay on Case Study1146 Words  | 5 Pagesmisinterpretations are female-male interaction, respectfulness, attire, and language. Keywords: interview, respect, Japan, persuasion, taboos In scenario number two, Margaret Owens is getting ready to conduct interviews in order to find Japanese representatives to help her company market a line of pharmaceuticals in Japan. After having her interview with the Japanese representative she was pretty much flabbergasted with how the interview went. 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Moreover, Japan was part of the Axis powers during the war and gained worldwide attention when the island attacked Pearl Harbor, a United States NavalRead MoreThe Second Generation Asian Americans1034 Words  | 5 Pagesparents ever did and that caused a lot of concerns and tension between them and their parents. The Second Generation Asian Americans experienced tension between their parents with the emergence of the second generation, the influence of the American culture, creating their own paths and future, and the racial discrimination while growing up. The emergence of the second generation bloomed quickly and by 1930, 41% of the Chinese population in America was naturalized born citizens. 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Culture shock experienced by managers who work abroad Culture is immeasurably important due to its impact on how social, societal and professional behaviours are interpreted and what is considered taboo and what is not. Some cultures are more hierarchical, while others have flatter social structures. In business, the relationship between an employee and a boss is important as one culture may encourage open dialogue;Read MoreA Report on Japanese Culture Essay1086 Words  | 5 PagesA Report on Japanese Culture Folkways: While most countries have business cards, Japan has taken it to a higher level. For in Japan everyone has at least one. Known as #8216;Meishi#8217;, these cards are an important part of social interactions. They are used for starting conversations, for if you know what the other person you are talking with does for a living you have an idea on what to talk about. It also allows you to be remembered after you both part company. You should always be
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Emerging Economies free essay sample
Multinational corporations (MNC’s) are consistently looking for new unsaturated markets to tap into in optimisms of expanding their business and capitalizing on future industry trends. General Electric Healthcare (GEH) is one of these MNC’s trying to capitalize on the incessantly rising healthcare industry. In 1878, Thomas Edison founded General Electric (GE), which is the corporation that established GEH in 2004. GE was the first company to invent the household light bulb and has successfully ventured forwarded in the electric industry through its innovations and manufacturing of household appliances, lighting fixtures, light sockets, to founding one of the nation’s largest computer companies. The company recently established GEH in 2004 to tap into the expanding healthcare industry and in 2005; GEH innovated and manufactured the world’s first high definition magnetic resonance (HDMR) system (â€Å"About Us†, 2013). GEH has recently expanded its operations into India and China; their India operation is developing new drugs for the healthcare industry and their China location is busy manufacturing X-ray equipment for the healthcare industry. This paper will discuss GEH business operations and the following: Two trade theories that explain why GEH has expanded operations into India and China An explanation of the trade theories and an evaluation of GEH’s reasoning of utilizing the theories Potential pitfalls in GEH’s strategy An evaluation of GEH’s human resource strategy in China and India A proposal for training and preparing expatriates for their assignment overseas in India and China Trade Theories The two trade theories for discussion are Comparative Advantage and National Competitive Advantage. Comparative Advantage Comparative Advantage was introduced in 1817, by David Ricardo in his book ‘The Theory of Political Economy and Taxation’. According to Ricardo, the Comparative Advantage is when â€Å"two nations and two commodities, even if one nation is less efficient than the other nation in the production of both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually beneficial trade†(Gunawardan and Khorchurklang, 2007, p. 1). If one country specializes in the production and manufacturing of a particular product and then exports it whiling having the comparative advantage and then imports the goods due to the comparative disadvantage (Gunawardan and Khorchurklang, 2007). According to Landsburg (n. d. ) having a comparative advantage is not the same thing as being the best at something, it is the ability to produce a good at a lower cost. Different countries have different comparative advantages. For example, China has a comparative advantage in its labor-intensive manufacturing industry (â€Å"What are the U. S. and China’s Current Comparative Advantages? , n. d. ). GEH has moved its X-ray business quarters overseas to China. According to Burkitt (2011), the reason GEH moved its headquarters was to â€Å"accelerate sales in the country’s fast-growing health-care market†(para. 1). There is also an abundance of cheaper and skilled labor in China. GEH can utilize China’s labor-intensive manufacturing industry and tap into an emerging market. GEH understands that China governments are beefing up their spending on healthcare (Burkitt, 2011). This alone provides China a comparative advantage because it has the demand for healthcare that the U. S. has already saturated. Therefore, the U. S. picked China for several reasons: 1). Emerging market for healthcare 2). Cheaper and more efficient labor resources 3). More skilled labor; employs approximately 700 engineers (Burkitt, 2011). These reasons enable GEH to not only innovate but also produce at a cheaper price and a quicker rate, and in addition, tap into an emerging market. Although GEH’s international strategy seems a win-win situation there can be potential pitfalls when moving operations overseas and tapping into an emerging market. The corporation might be excited to find they are utilizing the First-Mover Advantage by moving into an emerging market to set up shop (Kokemuller, n. d. ). The company may even anticipate building success by becoming a recognized brand in the industry but there is risk that this can back fire and a second corporation may come in and steal that anticipated success through better innovation and even cheaper product and labor. In addition, the country that is manufacturing the product could decide to make a similar product forcing the other country out. National Competitive Advantage Hill (2008) describes Michael Porter’s â€Å"Competitive Advantage of Nations Theory of posits that within specific industries, clusters of expertise result from highly competitive national environments†(p. 616). Michael Porter created the theory of competitive advantage when he began to realize the economic reality could no longer be explained based on the comparative advantage theory only (Laurentiu, n. d. ). The competitive advantage theory is based on several determinants: Factorial determinants: Porter realized there were other important factors that should be considered besides the classical economic theory of labor, land, and capital such as natural resources, human resources, knowledge, capital, and infrastructure (Laurentiu, n. d). Demand: â€Å"structure of the domestic market which determines the quality level of the goods,†(Laurentiu, n. d. , p. 3495), predominant domestic buyers, and needs of domestic buyers (Laurentiu, n. d. ). Up and downstream industries: if a company has a strong position in the international market and are more concentrated and specialized in a horizontal and vertical industry with lots of information to bring forward this will provide a competitive advantage (Laurentiu, n. d. ). The structure and strategy of companies and their rivalries (Laurentiu, n. d. ). This relies heavily on the form of ownership, the goals and strategies of the company, and the motivation of everyone involved including the employees. The government and government policies plays a significant role (Laurentiu, n. d. ). The National Competitive Advantage can help analyze why GEH has currently moved its pharmaceutical development to India. The pharmaceutical companies in India are the largest generic medicine providers in the world (Kumar, 2013). This is due to India’s government refusing to recognize certain pharmaceutical patents, which enables them to produce generic drugs at low costs which other countries are unable to compete with (Kumar, 2013). Avoid Pitfalls A potential pitfall for GEH moving their pharmaceutical development to India is the dependence on another country. Although India currently produces generic drugs because their government refuses to recognize pharmaceutical patents does not mean that they can always refuse to recognize those patents. GEH needs to have a back-up plan in place if the India government decides to acknowledge the patents in the future and expenses increase. GEH can avoid potential pitfalls by: Planning and strategizing Predicting future variables such as analyzing the: Resource allocation Location Marketing Raw materials Labor expenses Transportation expenses Technology Environmental factors Appropriate forecasting GEH’s Human Resource Strategy Human Resource Management is a crucial component to the success of an MNC. According to Glinow and Milliman (n. d. ) many MNC’s have not kept up with the persistent and constant changes in an increasingly competitive global economy. GEH has, and they have developed some human resources strategies for their India and China. GEH has developed a Human Resources Leadership Program (HRLP) to help develop and challenge their employees. GEH believes that their people and HR is their competitive advantage. GEH is recognized for their number one leadership development program. They train their employees to gain global leadership skills and business acumen. The HRLP program is a two-year program that provides job assignments and global business projects. The program also provides the opportunity for candidates to complete international rotations due to GEH’s massive global business ventures. According to Glinow and Milliman (n. d. ) â€Å"it is much easier to prescribe what organizations should do then it is for firms to implement effective IHRM practices within the framework of their global strategic thinking†(n. p. ). Preparing Expatriates for Assignments As discussed previously GEH has an extensive leadership program for their employees to learn about the business, management, and appropriate handling of international business. Their program consists of sending candidates overseas for rotations pertinent to the company’s operations and success. This is crucial prescription for their international business success. Expatriates are employees in the U. S. working for MNC’s that send them overseas to handle international business operations. In order for them to succeed, the right candidate must be selected; terms of the plan must be documented and reviewed; and proper preparation of the employee for relocation must be conducted. In order to prepare and train expatriates for their overseas assignments these are the following recommendations: Provide a structured program for a year or two for potential candidates that involves understanding the MNC’s business operations, culture, and management practices. For example, LG Electronics has developed an MBA program specifically designed for their company. Depending on what countries the MNC’s operate in or want to penetrate, courses can include those countries cultures and business practices. For example, some countries value being on time more than they do building personal relationships with potential business partners. It is important to understand what is considered important business procedures in that particular country so an expatriate does not lose business prospects. The legal issues of doing business with other countries. For example, the U. S. has laws against bribery but some countries will accept briberies for business deals. Compensation information such as how much they will be paid while overseas, what the currency is equivalent to in that particular country. Housing and transportation concerns. How to respond to any emergency situations during natural disasters, crisis, or death. Liability issues regarding employment laws in the other countries. Medical, vacation, and holiday leave and pay. Employment taxes. When markets in developed countries are approaching a saturation level and consider moving into untapped markets in emerging countries such as China and India, there is much planning and strategizing in order to successfully penetrate the market and make a profit. As discussed previously, figuring out what your country’s competitive advantage is in the market and the other countries competitive advantage in the market is key to bringing both countries together to provide the best product/service at the lowest cost. For example, one country may be known for their excellent and abundant cheap labor resources while the other country may be known for their innovation and technological resources. Although a company can have the best plan to penetrate into an untapped market in another country, they must find the right candidates to conduct business affairs overseas. AS discussed previously education and training are vital for the success of a company moving operations overseas. In order to have the right candidates, much is involved in training and developing the right program is essential. The program must cover key pieces such as the other countries’ culture, business policies, procedures, laws, and regulations, employment laws such as child labor laws, their compensation and taxes, housing and transportation. It is vital for the MNC to find the appropriate market to tap into and find the right country that will help benefit their operations along the way. Cheap resources and labor are not the only factors an MNC needs to look at when considering moving overseas.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
16th Century English Weapons Essays - Projectile Weapons
16th Century English Weapons 16th Century English Weapons During the 16th century England and much of Europe found itself in turmoil and in a constant state of war. The outbreak of fighting led to the invention and development of new weapons and the growth and change of weapons of old. The development of weapons was a trademark of the time, with a sort of renaissance, or re-birth in the field of weaponry (Miller). The technology was highlighted by the invention of gunpowder by the Chinese which eventually found its way to England (Grolier). However, the use of gunpowder was minimal, because the use of had yet to be perfected. The technological advancement most useful during the period was progression of the metals used in weaponry. The new forms could be found in the production of swords, arrows, cannons, and armor, as well as varies siege weapons. The three major categories of weapons used during the 16th century were handheld, siege, and missiles. The primary use of handheld weapons is for the obvious is hand to hand combat in close quarters. Handheld weapons were not always the most efficient weapons but played a major role in battle because of their simplicity. An entire army would depend on the use of foot soldiers and simply outnumber their opponent while fighting in the trenches (Grolier). Siege weapons were effective not on battles on an open area, but rather when one army would attack the fortress or castle of the other army. The siege weapons were used to either knock the gate at the entrance of the castle, or other wise gain entry, or to hurl large objects or arrows over the defensive walls around the perimeter of the castle. Fire was another common tactic used with siege of castles, as well as the use of the newly found gunpowder (Revell, "Missile"). The third type of weapons are missile weapons, which came to be the signature of the time period. The missile weapons were fired or projected from a distance and were found effective due to their range, but accuracy became important and so did the skill involved in warfare. Handheld weapons represented a large portion of the weapons used during 16th Century warfare (Iannuzzo). Most commonly used was the sword. Throughout the middles ages, metals were developed to withstand more abuse and thus became more effective (Iannuzzo). The metals now had to strong enough to pierce through the newly developed armor of the time (Revell, "Armour"). The use of carbonized iron, which was heated, beaten, and cut the process repeated many times over to form a solid and durable and lighter than previous swords. The double edge sword was far superior in strength and sharpness of the other swords of the time (Grolier). The 16th century also brought forth the use of flamberge sword that had an undulating cutting edge, that was believed to be able to easily pierce the armor, but was too awkward for battle and was eventually abandoned. By this time the Great sword, sometimes over six feet in length, were being deployed. This sword was deadly only because of the pure size of it. The great swords required enormous strength just to hold and even more to be effective. Eventually the great sword became too awkward to use in battle just as the flamberge. These two inferior swords took a back seat to the smaller and more agile estoc sword. The estoc had a narrow triangular blade that was used to pierce the joints in the armor, rather than slash through it. But the progression in the strength of these swords made it able for the estocs to be strong enough to pierce through entire plates of the armour (Revell, "Armour"). This more effective sword led to a revolution in the art of sword fighting, because now a soldier must be able to beat an opponent with speed and quickness, rather than raw strength. The second type of handheld weapon that made an impact during the 16th century, were maces. The mace was as a secondary weapon that was used after the initial charge, where swords were the primary weapon (Iannuzzo). Maces were heavy lead balls attached to a chain, which was attached to the metal handle that the warrior would hold. They were small and quick enough to crush a man's skull (Revell, "Armour"). Early maces that were smooth were found to slide off the armor and not cause much damage. This lead to the elaboration of putting metal spikes on the ball that would be able to puncture the armor and cause injury to the
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Simple sentences, period
Simple sentences, period Simple sentences, period Simple sentences, period By Michael A sentence should contain a complete thought. Once you finish your thought, you can finish your sentence, usually with a period. That makes your sentence more readable too. Yes, its legal in English to use conjunctions to put several thoughts into one sentence. But it takes a special kind of mind to follow the train of thought in a sentence that has two or three thoughts. Maybe some writers dont know when their thought ended, so they dont know when to put the period. They go on and on and make more and more statements and even change the subject, but they dont ever put the sentence to rest and keep on going and going. Technically speaking, to understand a complex sentence, the reader has to parse or diagram the sentence in his or her head. Okay, suppose Im reading a sentence in Rolling Stone. Was that sentence talking about actors, and what are the actors doing anyway, and what the subject of the sentence, and what is the subject doing, and does that word shot mean that somebody got shot or somebody took a shot, and does it refer to the policeman or the actor or the photographer? Pretty confusing, isnt it? So make your sentences simple. Put a period at the end of the thought and leave it there. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Punctuation category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Passed vs PastDo you "orient" yourself, or "orientate" yourself?40 Idioms with First
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
The Problem of Catch-Up in Developing Countries at the Level of the Essay
The Problem of Catch-Up in Developing Countries at the Level of the Nike In Relation To a Firm Level - Essay Example According to the research findings, the latter half of the 20th Century saw dramatic growth in industrial production and in the mass consumption in developing nations. The growth of industrial output in countries like China and India during this period was robust and to some extent, the process of catching-up also began in the technological field. The process is thus called "imitation to innovation" approach. This took place for the most part in traditional industries such as textiles and clothing and the earlier product generations of the machine tool and consumer electronics industries. Globalization has become increasingly important in determining the rate of economic growth, with estimations that emerging markets will account for a larger piece of the world economy by 2020. Studies suggest that the shift of labor-intensive production processes from regions like Western Europe to lower-cost economies will continue. In fact, it was during the 1980s that development theorists and pr actitioners began to re-conceptualize the catching up process, from one based primarily on the transfer of technology to one of learning to produce quality products efficiently. Evidence for the success of such a strategy was found in the growth of manufactured exports, notably from the Asian tigers. The indigenous manufacturing capabilities of such low-cost economies too are on an upward journey. These countries had progressively climbed the ladder in traditional industries such as textiles and clothing. This trend kept going even in consumer electronics, from low-cost assemblers of finished products to producers of higher value-added products, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) and, in a couple of cases, own brand manufacturers who had mastered the process from product conceptualization to the market.
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Capital Punishment - Pro and Contra Research Paper
Capital Punishment - Pro and Contra - Research Paper Example Capital punishment is of very old origin. The word capital is derived from the old Latin word ‘caput’, meaning head. Capital punishment, therefore, refers to beheading or decapitation as a method of execution. Today, the term ‘death penalty’ is used interchangeably with the term capital punishment. Capital punishment originated in England, it was then transported to colonies in America during the 17th and 18th centuries. The English legal system considerably relied on capital punishment; this was partly because imprisonment of people for different periods of time was not developed until the late 18th century. For about four centuries, capital punishment has been practiced in America has been a basic part of its history. The first execution in the United States took place in James town in 1608. Latzer and McCord point out that it has accounted for â€Å"at best estimate, about 20,000 executions†(2011, p.1).  However, the method of execution has undergone remarkable changes over time. In the 17th and 18th century America, men, women, and children would attend a public and solemn occasion where death was imposed by hanging. Execution in public was aimed at frightening members of the public in order to avoid crime, administering justice to the accused, and giving the convicted a chance to repent and gain salvation after death. Hymn singing, sermons, and a speech by the condemned accompanied hanging. During the 17th and 18th century, the number of capital crimes was very big. However, there was a great deal of leniency although most trials took less than a day and appeals were not permitted until the 19th century. A benefit of clergy was sometimes granted to the accused resulting in the pardon of certain death sentences. State governors sometimes granted executive clemency to the accused. For example, in New York City, over half of the condemned were granted clemency. According to Latzer and McCord (2011) â€Å"there were even ‘mock hangings’ to empathetically deliver the message, but spare the life of the offender†(p.2).
Thursday, January 30, 2020
The purpose of this experiment Essay Example for Free
The purpose of this experiment Essay The purpose of this experiment is to measure the pulse flow of blood through the finger and correlate it with ECG. In addition, we examined the effects of hot and cold temperature on peripheral circulation. It was hypothesized that the temperature and exercise would increase the cardiac cycle and pulse pressure. Three participants were doing the experiment. A 19 year old female, who weighs 110 pound, drinks coffee often times and nonsmoker, did the exercise. A 20 year old female, weighs 135 pounds, non coffee drinker and nonsmoker did the cold temperature. Also a 20 year old female, weighing 106 pounds, non smoker and non coffee drinker did the hot temperature. Electrodes were placed on left ankle, right hand and left hand. Besides that, pulse transducer was attached in finger. Baseline was established, 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressures were measured at rest. We did this in the same way for each individual. In addition, we did 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressure after exercise and temperature experiment. The effect of cold temperature did make variation in heart rate and pulse. Figure 1 shows that heart rate decreased when participant placed her hand in cold water. In the same way, figure 2 shows decrease in heart rate when the participant placed her hand in hot water. Figure 3 shows that exercise increased the heart rate of the participant. The results we observed for the cold temperature experiment was decrease in temperature. In other words, we observed a gradual decrease in heart rate after the participant put her hands in cold water. In addition, we noticed an increase in pulse rate after the experiment. Also, we noticed decrease in heart rate and increase in pulse rate for hot temperature experiment. But when I did research I found that the heart rate should increase in cold temperature and should decrease in pulse rate. Also for the hot temperature the heart rate must increase and pulse rate should decrease. So I can not interpret the result. However, for the exercise we noticed increase in heart rate and pulse rate. Resting and exercise heart rate are controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for physical activity by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Once exercise begins, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the heart rate rises quickly. The parasympathetic division helps slow down heart rate and respiration. At rest, the heart is controlled by the parasympathetic division, which is why the average resting heart rate is 72 bpm or less. During exercise, the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate receptors in the heart which causes heart rate to increase. J. Grayson, Reactions of the peripheral circulation to external heat, J Physiology vloume 1, pg 53-63. www. pubmed. com Sandercock, et al. Effect of exercise on heart rate variability, 03/28/2005, www. medscape. com M Buchheit, J J Peiffer, C R Abbiss, P B Laursen. Effect of cold water immersion on postexercise parasympathetic reactivation. American Journal of Physiology : Heart and circulatory physiology 296. 2 (2009): H421. Sciences Module. ProQuest. University Park, PA. 23 Feb. 2009 http://www. proquest. com
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Email Services and Customer Privacy in Light of Googles Gmail Service :: Internet
Email Services and Customer Privacy in Light of Google's Gmail Service Introduction Should email customers opt to give up their private correspondences to corporations in return for the promise of more overall privacy, as well as other incentives? Or should corporations be prevented to use the contents of email for any purpose, imposed by a government data privacy law, whether consent is given or not? In the case of the US-based corporation, Google, with its Beta introduction of Gmail[1], a new free email service, a customer who signs up to Google's new email service and its Privacy Policy [2] and Terms of Use [3], also signs up to have their email's contents read by a computer and processed by Google. This effectively announces that they have no expectations of the privacy [4] of anything related to their email, even what is written to them by other parties. Which, in turn, allows for one's 4th Amemdment rights to be further diluted because the "criteria for determining that a search is constitutional is: if it does not violate a person's reasonable or legitimate expection of privacy." [4,7] Will Google's bold move start a wave of new uses of customer's "private" data that may further errode privacy by showing that our expectations of our personal mail, phone conversations, or other forms of communications, are public domain, or atleast free to bartar with in order to obtain other services? At what point can this spiral effect on our rights to privacy be reversed, if at all? Already, there have been complaints from Europe [1], where there exists stricter data protection policies than the US,due to many factors that include the events of September 11 as well as the stance on self regulation on privacy issues here in the US[5,6]. Atleast 31 organizations "have written a letter calling upon Google to suspend its Gmail service until the privacy issues are adequately addressed." [9]the Gmail Services and their Issues Here are some of Gmail's proposed services and some Pro's and Cons. First off, the service entices customers to join by providing one GigaByte of email storage. This gives customers a good reason to switch and then stay, but it also allows for the storing of other sensitive information other than text that may have future privacy issues [1]. Secondly, the data may be stored indefinitely, even after the user deletes it or terminates their account.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Political Culture Essay
The single greatest contributor to the way American Politics plays out both within and outside of our borders today is in our rich and long-lasting political culture that defines they way we look as the world and how to respond to it. Shaped by values, history, current events, and emotional commitments that our populace collectively shares, political culture in the United States determines the way government functions and reveals the intricacies of our collective way of life in a way nothing else can. Throughout our nation’s history there have been three different types of political culture proposed by three different authors as stated below. The first model of conceptualized liberty is a tradition of longstanding liberalism maintained by Myrdal in Wilson’s American Politics. Claiming that American’s naturally crave their individual rights and want their liberty to constitute freedom within the law to do whatever they want as their own person, he states we are a self concerning people with central regard for our own lives independent of the rest of the nation. This style of political culture emerged the greatest during the 60s when individualists like hippies and protestors came out against the large Model II type government that strove to provide and manage the people in the overbearing sense it did. Today’s culture draws strong parallels to liberalism as well, with most Americans concerned for their own rights first. An example of this is the dog laws imposed in New York where dogs cannot be off a leash or make excessive noise in Central Park that distracts other people. Some people feel they are having their right to quiet and safety violated by these dogs and the laws behind them, while others maintain it is their right to have dogs and be able to run them freely. The second claim is of political culture is the one that was created in the grand scheme by the founding fathers and proposed by Hartz. This perception of liberty claims that there is a collectivist notion of unity among the people that promotes the general welfare of the nation as a whole and not just based on individual rights. First established by puritan settlers who wanted to build a â€Å"city on a hill†with a strong central purpose and unity among its citizens, the concept of a strong government that united the people in one common goal to achieve the greater good became known as republicanism. This concept of liberty is alive today as the populace stands united against the global threat of terrorism that threatens all American’s equally. To protect each other and nation as a whole American’s look to the greater good beyond their personal rights to sustain the nation’s security. An example is in people’s ability to forego some of their individual rights in the patriot act or at airports to give up some privacy to keep them safe from terrorists in order to maintain the greater good of the nation. The third perception of liberty is proposed by Roger M. Smith who states that America is traditionally hierarchical and is driven by social and economic classes that preside over others. This concept has been prevalent for hundreds of years in times of slavery and civil unrest when African Americans and other surges of immigrants were oppressed and looked upon as outsiders by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants that formed the backbone of the nation. While civil rights have been passed to make the nation equal for all, Smith argues an underlying factor of racism and inequality among minorities still lingers in the heart of America. An example of this is the Duke Lacrosse Scandal where three elite white males were charged in the rape of a black woman and media frenzy that ensued around it. Claiming that the white males thought themselves superior and able to escape consequences for crimes against minorities, African American leaders such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson came out in force to lead rallies for their prosecution. Another parallel is Hurricane Katrina and the thousand of black residents displaced by it in 2005. Most of the 9th district of New Orleans was destroyed by the storm because it sat unprotected and vulnerable and to this day it remains in shambles with little done to improve the area. Smith would argue this is because of the racial and economic hierarchy that differentiates the poor African American residents of the area from the white controlling politians with the power to do anything about it. While all these three conceptions of liberty are prevalent and present in today’s political culture, the structure of our government and the speed with which the world changes does not allow any one style to dominate the rest. Americans live off and pride themselves on their civil individual rights while at the same time unifying collectively to stand as one against outside threats like terrorism. There is some hierarchical dissonance that remains in the actions of many government officials and elite pockets of society separated from citizens of different economic standing and ethnicity, but after the civil rights laws were passed the vast majority of these problems have been removed. This leaves the United States with a balanced and ever changing political culture that hinges back and forth between the three conceptions of liberty.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Medicare and Medicaid Essay - 1307 Words
Medicare and Medicaid are programs that have been developed to assist Americans in attainment of quality health care. Both programs were established in 1965 and are federally supported to provide health care coverage to vulnerable populations such as the elderly, the disabled, and people with low incomes. Both Medicare and Medicaid are federally mandated and determine coverage under each program; both are run by the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services, a federal agency (What is Medicare? What is Medicaid?†2008). Distinguishing between Medicare and Medicaid Medicare is a federally governed insurance program, primarily serving Americans over the age of 65, younger disabled meeting specific disability criteria, and dialysis†¦show more content†¦The Evolution of Medicare based on the Needs of Society Since its establishment in 1965 we have seen Medicare change as people’s needs change however being a federal program these changes do have an incredible amount of lag time. One of the first major changes to Medicare occurred in 1972 when President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 which extended coverage to individuals under age 65 with long-term disabilities, expanded benefits to include some chiropractic services and speech and physical therapy. During this time we see the American public growing tired of the Vietnam Conflict and lack of support and care for those returning Marines and soldiers with severe disabilities. As the protests escalate and the peace initiatives fail a key piece of legislation is signed showing government support and a willingness to extend health care benefits to this growing and vocal population of veterans (The Vietnam War, 1999). Also included in this Amendment is the encouragement of the use of Health Maintenance Organizations, President Nixon’s administration caught in the scandal of Watergate and pending hearings appeased the left and proposed the HMO Act, which Congress passed in 1973 (Phillips, 2003). Conte Karr (2001) report the economic growth of the 1980’s in the United States sees President Regan cutting taxes and slashing social programs. President Reagan alsoShow MoreRelatedMedicare, Medicaid692 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of two federally and/or state funded programs. The programs that will be discussed are Medicare and Medicaid. In this paper will be information about who receives Medicaid/Medicare, the services offered by these programs, and those long term services that are not. Medicaid Medicaid is a joi8nt federal and state program. It provides health coverage to nearly 60 million Americans including children, pregnant women, seniors, and individualsRead MoreMedicaid and Medicare1055 Words  | 5 Pages3 percent of all Medicaid program expenditures, growing from $380 million in 1975 to $11.1 billion in 2004†(pg. 365). There are also programs and services provide to the elderly and those who have chronic physical and mental illness. Nursing homes, skilled care facilities, assisted living facilities, and group homes all are sources of LTC expenditures. â€Å"Medicare is a small player in nursing home care, paying for only about 14 percent of nursing home expenditures in 2004. Medicaid is the major payerRead MoreImpacts of Medicare and Medicaid742 Words  | 3 Pagesdifficult. In the article â€Å"Some Elders Must Take Drastic Measures to Obtain Long-term Care†, national magazine journalist Mary A. Fischer (2011) states that many Americans must fa ce demeaning and disempowering choices in order to qualify for Medicaid or Medicareâ€â€federal funded health insurance programs such as refusing to pay for a spouses institutionalization, divorce, and spending down assets. The author argues that these choices leave the healthy spouse with decreased funds to plan for their ownRead More Medicare and Medicaid Essay2111 Words  | 9 PagesStatement of Problem Medicare and Medicaid are two of the United States largest broken systems, which must sustain themselves in order to provide care to their beneficiaries. Both Medicare and Medicaid are funding by a joint effort between the federal government and the local state government. If and when these governments choose to cut funding or reduce spending, Medicare and Medicaid take the biggest hit. Most people see these two benefits as one in the same, two benefits the government takesRead MoreThe For Medicare And Medicaid Services1178 Words  | 5 Pages(EMR’s) and meaningful use. (Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2014) â€Å"Meaningful use†as defined by consists of using digital health records to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities. Its purpose is to also engage patients and families. Additionally, it is hoped to improve care coordination and maintain privacy and security of patient health information. By the fall of 2010, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CSM) had certified electronicRead MoreMedicare and Medicaid Essay2485 Words  | 10 PagesCOMPARE AND CONTRAST MEDICAID AND MEDICARE Medicaid and Medicare are two different government programs. Both programs were created in 1965 to help older and low-income families be able to buy their own private health insurance. These programs were part of President Lyndon Johnson’s â€Å"Great Society†plan, a commitment to helping meet the needs of individual health care. They are social insurance programs, which allow the financial load of patient’s illnesses to be shared by other healthy, sick,Read MoreMedicare and Medicaid Overview2772 Words  | 12 PagesMedicare and Medicaid: An Overview It is important that we all understand the basics of the Medicare and Medicaid programs as we will all eventually come of age where it is necessary to seek their assistance. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief history of how the program came about, the various plans for each program, issues that affect cost and access to the programs, how the political arena is affected and finally a conclusion with final thoughts on the total information. The ideaRead MoreA Brief Note On Medicare And Medicaid Services1499 Words  | 6 PagesBoth Medicare and Medicaid are managed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Medicare was created in 1965 when people of over 65 found it impossible to get private health insurance coverage. Medicare is a Federal health insurance program that pays for hospital and medical care for elderly and certain individual with disabilities. The program consists of two main parts for hospital and medical insuranceRead MoreMedicaid And Medicare : Health Care For Individuals And Families With Low Income1605 Words  | 7 Pagesprograms that provide health care to specific groups of people in the United States known as Medicaid and Medicare. After President Johnson signed the Social Security Act in 1965, the government created these two programs. Each of the programs have their own eligibility requirements, covera ge, and cost. The Healthcare reform effected both programs eligibility requirements, cost, and coverage. Medicaid provides healthcare insurance for individuals and families with low income. The federal governmentRead MoreComparing Medicare And Medicaid Managed Care Plans897 Words  | 4 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to thoroughly examine the similarities and differences of Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans by comparing and contrasting its strengths, weaknesses, incentives, commitment to access, and risks to the consumer. Medicaid and Medicare are both health insurance programs financed and administered by government entities and are both equivalent in terms of the number of beneficiaries and total expenditures (McCarthy, Schafermeyer, Plake, 2011). These healthcare programs
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