Thursday, January 30, 2020
The purpose of this experiment Essay Example for Free
The purpose of this experiment Essay The purpose of this experiment is to measure the pulse flow of blood through the finger and correlate it with ECG. In addition, we examined the effects of hot and cold temperature on peripheral circulation. It was hypothesized that the temperature and exercise would increase the cardiac cycle and pulse pressure. Three participants were doing the experiment. A 19 year old female, who weighs 110 pound, drinks coffee often times and nonsmoker, did the exercise. A 20 year old female, weighs 135 pounds, non coffee drinker and nonsmoker did the cold temperature. Also a 20 year old female, weighing 106 pounds, non smoker and non coffee drinker did the hot temperature. Electrodes were placed on left ankle, right hand and left hand. Besides that, pulse transducer was attached in finger. Baseline was established, 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressures were measured at rest. We did this in the same way for each individual. In addition, we did 3 cardiac cycles and 3 pulse pressure after exercise and temperature experiment. The effect of cold temperature did make variation in heart rate and pulse. Figure 1 shows that heart rate decreased when participant placed her hand in cold water. In the same way, figure 2 shows decrease in heart rate when the participant placed her hand in hot water. Figure 3 shows that exercise increased the heart rate of the participant. The results we observed for the cold temperature experiment was decrease in temperature. In other words, we observed a gradual decrease in heart rate after the participant put her hands in cold water. In addition, we noticed an increase in pulse rate after the experiment. Also, we noticed decrease in heart rate and increase in pulse rate for hot temperature experiment. But when I did research I found that the heart rate should increase in cold temperature and should decrease in pulse rate. Also for the hot temperature the heart rate must increase and pulse rate should decrease. So I can not interpret the result. However, for the exercise we noticed increase in heart rate and pulse rate. Resting and exercise heart rate are controlled by the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system prepares the body for physical activity by increasing heart rate, blood pressure and respiration. Once exercise begins, the sympathetic nervous system is activated and the heart rate rises quickly. The parasympathetic division helps slow down heart rate and respiration. At rest, the heart is controlled by the parasympathetic division, which is why the average resting heart rate is 72 bpm or less. During exercise, the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine stimulate receptors in the heart which causes heart rate to increase. J. Grayson, Reactions of the peripheral circulation to external heat, J Physiology vloume 1, pg 53-63. www. pubmed. com Sandercock, et al. Effect of exercise on heart rate variability, 03/28/2005, www. medscape. com M Buchheit, J J Peiffer, C R Abbiss, P B Laursen. Effect of cold water immersion on postexercise parasympathetic reactivation. American Journal of Physiology : Heart and circulatory physiology 296. 2 (2009): H421. Sciences Module. ProQuest. University Park, PA. 23 Feb. 2009 http://www. proquest. com
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Email Services and Customer Privacy in Light of Googles Gmail Service :: Internet
Email Services and Customer Privacy in Light of Google's Gmail Service Introduction Should email customers opt to give up their private correspondences to corporations in return for the promise of more overall privacy, as well as other incentives? Or should corporations be prevented to use the contents of email for any purpose, imposed by a government data privacy law, whether consent is given or not? In the case of the US-based corporation, Google, with its Beta introduction of Gmail[1], a new free email service, a customer who signs up to Google's new email service and its Privacy Policy [2] and Terms of Use [3], also signs up to have their email's contents read by a computer and processed by Google. This effectively announces that they have no expectations of the privacy [4] of anything related to their email, even what is written to them by other parties. Which, in turn, allows for one's 4th Amemdment rights to be further diluted because the "criteria for determining that a search is constitutional is: if it does not violate a person's reasonable or legitimate expection of privacy." [4,7] Will Google's bold move start a wave of new uses of customer's "private" data that may further errode privacy by showing that our expectations of our personal mail, phone conversations, or other forms of communications, are public domain, or atleast free to bartar with in order to obtain other services? At what point can this spiral effect on our rights to privacy be reversed, if at all? Already, there have been complaints from Europe [1], where there exists stricter data protection policies than the US,due to many factors that include the events of September 11 as well as the stance on self regulation on privacy issues here in the US[5,6]. Atleast 31 organizations "have written a letter calling upon Google to suspend its Gmail service until the privacy issues are adequately addressed." [9]the Gmail Services and their Issues Here are some of Gmail's proposed services and some Pro's and Cons. First off, the service entices customers to join by providing one GigaByte of email storage. This gives customers a good reason to switch and then stay, but it also allows for the storing of other sensitive information other than text that may have future privacy issues [1]. Secondly, the data may be stored indefinitely, even after the user deletes it or terminates their account.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Political Culture Essay
The single greatest contributor to the way American Politics plays out both within and outside of our borders today is in our rich and long-lasting political culture that defines they way we look as the world and how to respond to it. Shaped by values, history, current events, and emotional commitments that our populace collectively shares, political culture in the United States determines the way government functions and reveals the intricacies of our collective way of life in a way nothing else can. Throughout our nation’s history there have been three different types of political culture proposed by three different authors as stated below. The first model of conceptualized liberty is a tradition of longstanding liberalism maintained by Myrdal in Wilson’s American Politics. Claiming that American’s naturally crave their individual rights and want their liberty to constitute freedom within the law to do whatever they want as their own person, he states we are a self concerning people with central regard for our own lives independent of the rest of the nation. This style of political culture emerged the greatest during the 60s when individualists like hippies and protestors came out against the large Model II type government that strove to provide and manage the people in the overbearing sense it did. Today’s culture draws strong parallels to liberalism as well, with most Americans concerned for their own rights first. An example of this is the dog laws imposed in New York where dogs cannot be off a leash or make excessive noise in Central Park that distracts other people. Some people feel they are having their right to quiet and safety violated by these dogs and the laws behind them, while others maintain it is their right to have dogs and be able to run them freely. The second claim is of political culture is the one that was created in the grand scheme by the founding fathers and proposed by Hartz. This perception of liberty claims that there is a collectivist notion of unity among the people that promotes the general welfare of the nation as a whole and not just based on individual rights. First established by puritan settlers who wanted to build a â€Å"city on a hill†with a strong central purpose and unity among its citizens, the concept of a strong government that united the people in one common goal to achieve the greater good became known as republicanism. This concept of liberty is alive today as the populace stands united against the global threat of terrorism that threatens all American’s equally. To protect each other and nation as a whole American’s look to the greater good beyond their personal rights to sustain the nation’s security. An example is in people’s ability to forego some of their individual rights in the patriot act or at airports to give up some privacy to keep them safe from terrorists in order to maintain the greater good of the nation. The third perception of liberty is proposed by Roger M. Smith who states that America is traditionally hierarchical and is driven by social and economic classes that preside over others. This concept has been prevalent for hundreds of years in times of slavery and civil unrest when African Americans and other surges of immigrants were oppressed and looked upon as outsiders by the White Anglo-Saxon Protestants that formed the backbone of the nation. While civil rights have been passed to make the nation equal for all, Smith argues an underlying factor of racism and inequality among minorities still lingers in the heart of America. An example of this is the Duke Lacrosse Scandal where three elite white males were charged in the rape of a black woman and media frenzy that ensued around it. Claiming that the white males thought themselves superior and able to escape consequences for crimes against minorities, African American leaders such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson came out in force to lead rallies for their prosecution. Another parallel is Hurricane Katrina and the thousand of black residents displaced by it in 2005. Most of the 9th district of New Orleans was destroyed by the storm because it sat unprotected and vulnerable and to this day it remains in shambles with little done to improve the area. Smith would argue this is because of the racial and economic hierarchy that differentiates the poor African American residents of the area from the white controlling politians with the power to do anything about it. While all these three conceptions of liberty are prevalent and present in today’s political culture, the structure of our government and the speed with which the world changes does not allow any one style to dominate the rest. Americans live off and pride themselves on their civil individual rights while at the same time unifying collectively to stand as one against outside threats like terrorism. There is some hierarchical dissonance that remains in the actions of many government officials and elite pockets of society separated from citizens of different economic standing and ethnicity, but after the civil rights laws were passed the vast majority of these problems have been removed. This leaves the United States with a balanced and ever changing political culture that hinges back and forth between the three conceptions of liberty.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Medicare and Medicaid Essay - 1307 Words
Medicare and Medicaid are programs that have been developed to assist Americans in attainment of quality health care. Both programs were established in 1965 and are federally supported to provide health care coverage to vulnerable populations such as the elderly, the disabled, and people with low incomes. Both Medicare and Medicaid are federally mandated and determine coverage under each program; both are run by the Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services, a federal agency (What is Medicare? What is Medicaid?†2008). Distinguishing between Medicare and Medicaid Medicare is a federally governed insurance program, primarily serving Americans over the age of 65, younger disabled meeting specific disability criteria, and dialysis†¦show more content†¦The Evolution of Medicare based on the Needs of Society Since its establishment in 1965 we have seen Medicare change as people’s needs change however being a federal program these changes do have an incredible amount of lag time. One of the first major changes to Medicare occurred in 1972 when President Nixon signed the Social Security Amendments of 1972 which extended coverage to individuals under age 65 with long-term disabilities, expanded benefits to include some chiropractic services and speech and physical therapy. During this time we see the American public growing tired of the Vietnam Conflict and lack of support and care for those returning Marines and soldiers with severe disabilities. As the protests escalate and the peace initiatives fail a key piece of legislation is signed showing government support and a willingness to extend health care benefits to this growing and vocal population of veterans (The Vietnam War, 1999). Also included in this Amendment is the encouragement of the use of Health Maintenance Organizations, President Nixon’s administration caught in the scandal of Watergate and pending hearings appeased the left and proposed the HMO Act, which Congress passed in 1973 (Phillips, 2003). Conte Karr (2001) report the economic growth of the 1980’s in the United States sees President Regan cutting taxes and slashing social programs. President Reagan alsoShow MoreRelatedMedicare, Medicaid692 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction The purpose of this paper is to give an overview of two federally and/or state funded programs. The programs that will be discussed are Medicare and Medicaid. In this paper will be information about who receives Medicaid/Medicare, the services offered by these programs, and those long term services that are not. Medicaid Medicaid is a joi8nt federal and state program. It provides health coverage to nearly 60 million Americans including children, pregnant women, seniors, and individualsRead MoreMedicaid and Medicare1055 Words  | 5 Pages3 percent of all Medicaid program expenditures, growing from $380 million in 1975 to $11.1 billion in 2004†(pg. 365). There are also programs and services provide to the elderly and those who have chronic physical and mental illness. Nursing homes, skilled care facilities, assisted living facilities, and group homes all are sources of LTC expenditures. â€Å"Medicare is a small player in nursing home care, paying for only about 14 percent of nursing home expenditures in 2004. Medicaid is the major payerRead MoreImpacts of Medicare and Medicaid742 Words  | 3 Pagesdifficult. In the article â€Å"Some Elders Must Take Drastic Measures to Obtain Long-term Care†, national magazine journalist Mary A. Fischer (2011) states that many Americans must fa ce demeaning and disempowering choices in order to qualify for Medicaid or Medicareâ€â€federal funded health insurance programs such as refusing to pay for a spouses institutionalization, divorce, and spending down assets. The author argues that these choices leave the healthy spouse with decreased funds to plan for their ownRead More Medicare and Medicaid Essay2111 Words  | 9 PagesStatement of Problem Medicare and Medicaid are two of the United States largest broken systems, which must sustain themselves in order to provide care to their beneficiaries. Both Medicare and Medicaid are funding by a joint effort between the federal government and the local state government. If and when these governments choose to cut funding or reduce spending, Medicare and Medicaid take the biggest hit. Most people see these two benefits as one in the same, two benefits the government takesRead MoreThe For Medicare And Medicaid Services1178 Words  | 5 Pages(EMR’s) and meaningful use. (Centers For Medicare and Medicaid Services, 2014) â€Å"Meaningful use†as defined by consists of using digital health records to improve quality, safety, efficiency, and reduce health disparities. Its purpose is to also engage patients and families. Additionally, it is hoped to improve care coordination and maintain privacy and security of patient health information. By the fall of 2010, The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CSM) had certified electronicRead MoreMedicare and Medicaid Essay2485 Words  | 10 PagesCOMPARE AND CONTRAST MEDICAID AND MEDICARE Medicaid and Medicare are two different government programs. Both programs were created in 1965 to help older and low-income families be able to buy their own private health insurance. These programs were part of President Lyndon Johnson’s â€Å"Great Society†plan, a commitment to helping meet the needs of individual health care. They are social insurance programs, which allow the financial load of patient’s illnesses to be shared by other healthy, sick,Read MoreMedicare and Medicaid Overview2772 Words  | 12 PagesMedicare and Medicaid: An Overview It is important that we all understand the basics of the Medicare and Medicaid programs as we will all eventually come of age where it is necessary to seek their assistance. The purpose of this paper is to give a brief history of how the program came about, the various plans for each program, issues that affect cost and access to the programs, how the political arena is affected and finally a conclusion with final thoughts on the total information. The ideaRead MoreA Brief Note On Medicare And Medicaid Services1499 Words  | 6 PagesBoth Medicare and Medicaid are managed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), which is a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Medicare was created in 1965 when people of over 65 found it impossible to get private health insurance coverage. Medicare is a Federal health insurance program that pays for hospital and medical care for elderly and certain individual with disabilities. The program consists of two main parts for hospital and medical insuranceRead MoreMedicaid And Medicare : Health Care For Individuals And Families With Low Income1605 Words  | 7 Pagesprograms that provide health care to specific groups of people in the United States known as Medicaid and Medicare. After President Johnson signed the Social Security Act in 1965, the government created these two programs. Each of the programs have their own eligibility requirements, covera ge, and cost. The Healthcare reform effected both programs eligibility requirements, cost, and coverage. Medicaid provides healthcare insurance for individuals and families with low income. The federal governmentRead MoreComparing Medicare And Medicaid Managed Care Plans897 Words  | 4 PagesThe purpose of this paper is to thoroughly examine the similarities and differences of Medicare and Medicaid managed care plans by comparing and contrasting its strengths, weaknesses, incentives, commitment to access, and risks to the consumer. Medicaid and Medicare are both health insurance programs financed and administered by government entities and are both equivalent in terms of the number of beneficiaries and total expenditures (McCarthy, Schafermeyer, Plake, 2011). These healthcare programs
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