Wednesday, August 14, 2019
Graded Unit
| | |This project contains information about activity of exercise which I will do with a service user at my placement. It will base on | |sociological and psychological knowledge and also current policies and legislations. | | | |I am student in a local authority day centre. My placement supports adults with physical and sensual impairment.The day centre | |provides range of different groups designed for disabled people. I have chosen an exercise group to my project to describe an | |individual service user. | |The organisation is registered service and regulated by the Care Inspectorate which was established by Regulation of Care ( Scotland| |) Act 2001. Trained and qualified staff works with the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) requirements. All service users | |within the placement are treated accordingly with the criteria delineated by the National Care Standards – Support Services. |Each service user in the organisation has his key worker, who creates an individua l care plan based on assessments and taking into | |account the needs and expectations of the individual. | |As a student in the placement I comply with all regulations listed above. In the centre I provide appropriate level of care and help| |in taking part in all available activities. Treat all service users with dignity, privacy, give to all service users choice, provide| |safety, allow realising potential and take account of equality and diversity to each individual. |I chose an individual who I named Mr X to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998 to mention that personal information have | |to be used in fully anonymous as awareness of confidentiality and one of a main principal of National Care Standards and SSSC – to | |respect a privacy of service user. | | | |Mr X is disabled since 2009 after when he had cerebrovascular accident (CVA) and resulting in his left sided weakness. Despite his | |disability he still lives in his own home and has a support worker.He is keen to remain as independent as possible but is | |frustrated by his poor mobility. He uses wheelchair fulltime and suffers from epilepsy and diabetes. | |Mr X grew up in nuclear family. He had both parents and sibling – brother and four sisters. His siblings and his mother still live | |and they all are in very good relation to each other. | |Mr X grew up in very familiar environment during his primary socialisation and values gained through this time transferred on his | |later life. He also had a lot of friends. Mr X was very attached to his family and treats closest people as the most important.As | |Bowlby’s theory of attachment says that through attachment to mother Mr X’s basic physiological needs had been satisfied in primary | |socialization. | |(Malim. T, Birch. A. ,1998) | | | |According to one of functionalists George Murdock theory that family performs four main functions. One of the functions is | |reproductive function relate to rising child ren and take responsibility for them. | |(I. Marsh, M. Keating, S. Punch, J.Harden; 2009) | |Firstly Mr X was attached to his mother as she was his primary caregiver while in his adulthood he directed his attention to his | |wife. She took care of him after the loss of his mobility. | | | |Eli Zaretsky, one of Marxists says that view of ideal family, detached from economic world is only illusion. He means that families | |are a source of cheap labour. In according to Mr X’s life I can say that he and his wife were also parts of the ‘family economy’.He| |worked with Scottish Water and his wife was a cleaner in local school and also as nursing auxiliary. They had spent mostly time at | |their work places which caused lack of time to spend with children. | |(Zaretsky. E; 1976) | |Now his source of socialisation is only his family, mainly his sons who he sees regularly. | | | |Mr X experienced feeling of loss. Firstly he lost his health through CVA and his wife which passed away two years after he became | |disabled. |Based on Elizabeth Kubler – Ross On Death and Dying research in which she presented five stages model by which I going to describe | |Mr X’s feelings: | |Denial and isolation – Mr X after lost his health and wife felt that what had happened was very unfair and hard to accept by him. | |Anger – Mr X felt that God does not exist because in other way the tragic situation would never have happened. | |Bargaining – Is a form of truce, begging and promising himself and God, trying to make a deal with the God. |Depression – Mr X gave up and became resigned and lack of motivation to continue living. | |Acceptance – Mr X accepts the present life with the supports of hisfamily. Also classes in the Day Centre give a new meaning to his | |life. | |(E. Kubler – Ross; 2003 ) | | | |To analyse a personal needs and development of Mr X I use PIES model of needs and Maslow's Hierarchy of Hum an Motivation. |There are four categories: physical need to improve Mr X’s mobility, intellectual need to through communication and reflects on the | |choice of appropriate equipment to perform an exercises, emotional to rise Mr X’ self esteem and strengthen his self – confidence, | |and also social need as interaction with other service users. | | | |Maslow's hierarchy of human motivation believes that to achieved the higher-order needs must first meet the basic needs. |During Mr X’s healthy life he was happy and fully satisfied. He had love each other family – wife and two sons so he felt | |belongingness and been attached, he was working so was independent and also received respect from colleagues. He had also very | |active social life. Mr X used to enjoy playing golf and football during his healthy life so he was very active person. He has seen | |himself as very sociable individual enjoying a beer with friends. He was leading successful life until became disable.The | |disability made him unable to do things from previous days. His motivation decreased and he became very frustrated. | |(R. Gross; 2005) | | | |I started my preparation to an activity with a consultation with a manager. I chose as activity exercise group and gained permission| |from the manager to perform the activity.Then I discussed my chose with Mr X’s key worker and also gained from the key worker a | |care plan of the service user and other significant information regarding Mr X’s background, family, health condition and general | |risk assessment. | | | |An important factor for me was a conversation with Mr X and eventually gained permission from him. I explained clearly to the | |service user how the activity will be proceeded. Through the conversation and observation of Mr X’s I learnt what he expects from | |the activity.Also I assured him of his right to choose a course of the activity whether to amend decision. I am going to abide by | |the rules such as National Care Standards by giving to Mr X choice and treat him with dignity and communicate with him in | |appropriate and open way. | |Thanks exercises he hopes to regain the mobility in legs. In the exercise group he feels is given him a purpose to get up of bed and| |the opportunity to interact with his peers in a supported environment. | |I spoke with the leader of exercise class about the course and the main objectives of group.Also the leader informed me that the | |exercise group will take place in main hall of the placement and showed me the room in which it is held needed equipment. | | | |In my placement is using personal – centred planning model of care. The idea of the model was created by O’Brien and Lovett. This | |model is targeted for people who want to change something in their life. The model also focuses on make individuals as independence | |as possible.Mr X has significant left sided weakness and he requires a high level of assistance with all tasks and activities. He | |would like to attend a local gym to work more on building strength on his left side. He also discussed with his support worker a | |possibility of using community venues out with the Day Centre that may have activities running that would keep him busy and involve. | | | | | |For my project as I mentioned I chose exercise group.Main purpose of activities is to keep Mr X as fit as possible, encourage him | |to exercise and more motivated to make progress in becoming back to his mobility. It will make him a lot of satisfaction and | |increase their confidence and belief in his own abilities. Classes also will allow him to be among peers to avoid allowing it to | |feeling of isolation. During the activity I will communicate with Mr X in openly and clearly as awareness of SSSC Codes of Practice | |and Human Rights Act 1998. | |To my activity I intend to use the appropriate music played from a CD and exercise equipment stored in a d esignated lockable room. |The first step will bring a stroller with the equipment and the preparation of music Initially, it will be simple exercises in the | |warm-up then we will use selected by Mr X weights, stretching equipment and balls. To carry out a risk assessment I will carefully | |check environment if there are any type of hazards such as spillages on a floor or other obstacles around Mr X and others service | |users, remove these threats. Also all equipment to be checked if there are any damaged equipment and remove them. I have to make | |sure that the individual took appropriate medication due to his epilepsy and diabetes. |I planned my activity on 19 of March 2013. The activity will take about 70 minutes with 10 minute break for tea, coffee or something| |cooling to drink in terms of the diabetes of Mr X which excludes sweetened beverages. | |During my activity I will use personal – centred planning model of care because the model let me focus on the individua l | |expectations and also let me be fully involved into the activity as Mr X as well. As a method I would be most likely to use | |Essential Lifestyle Plan of Method of Intervention.During this method is taken into account a health condition, communication. | |Health and safety of the individual is a priority as maintaining Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. | |In case of Mr X is very suitable to him the Essential Lifestyle Plan to achieve the objectives which is to give satisfaction to Mr | |X, being able to do exercises that will increase their confidence and belief in their own abilities I am going to be patient and | |empathic, also treat with respect Mr X’s choice in the type of exercises to underpinning Equality Act 2010, National Care Standards | |and SSSC. |To maintain Safe Practice during performance of activity I make sure that I provide the safest environment for Mr X and other | |service users, myself and leading worker. During this I comply with Health and Safe ty at Work Act 1974. | | | |As a contingency plan I will go with Mr X to a local museum because the service user is sympathetic to the history of the town. | | | |In the above project I contained my plan for an activity focusing on needs and development of Mr X.Information above includes | |method and model of care to be used, sociological and psychological concepts which helped me better understand and feelings and | |needs of the service user in terms of regulations and polices underpin antidiscrimination practice and principles essential in | |social care. | |REFERENCES | |Alangul. S, Meggitt.C; Further Studies for Social Care; 2002 | |Bingham. E; HNC in Social Care; 2009 | |Gross. R; The Science of Mind and Behaviour; 2005 | |Kubler – Ross. E; On Death and Dying; 2003 | |Maclean. S, Shiner.M; Social Care and the Law in Scotland; 2011 | |Malim. T, Birch. A. , Introductory Psychology ; 1998 | |Marsh. I, Keating> M, Punch. S, Harden. J; Sociology – Making Sense of Society; 2009 | |Miller. J, Gibb. S, Baker. G, Graham. D, Lancaster. E, Hollis. S; Care in practice for Higher Still ; 2005 | |O’Donnell.M; Introduction to Sociology; 1997 | |Zaretsky. E; Capitalism, the Family and Personal Life; 1976 | | | | | |http://www. learning-theories. com/maslows-hierarchy-of-needs. html | |http://www. simplypsychology. org/Erik-Erikson. tml | | | |Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers | |General Risk Assessment of Mr X | |National Care Standards – Support Services | |Personal Care Plan of Individual and additional information gained from manager and individual’s key worker | Word Count |1 868 |
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